ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 2155-9600
Debnath M and Agrawal S
Objective: To assess the effect of nutrition education and dietary modification on the health and nutritional status of kindergarten children.
Study design: A prospective case-control study was executed on 104 kindergarten children bifurcated 50 cases and 54 controls. Intervention: After anthropometrically segregating the KG children of both the groups, first primary data including socio-demographic, clinical and dietary assessments were noted using observation and interview method. Later, 45 minutes of nutrition education and dietary modification workshop 5 days a week were intervened among the cases of group A for a month whereas the controls were kept on casual daily routine. After one month of follow-up, the second primary data including the anthropometric and dietary changes among both the groups were noted and compared with the initial findings.
Analysis: Obtained results were statistically analysed using paired T test.
Result: Number of cases taking optimal nutritional intake increased by 74% after the trial period of one month. There was a significant increase in the anthropometric status of the cases particularly height and chest circumference whereas no remarkable increase has been noted among the controls.
Conclusion: Nutrition education and optimal dietary changes showed improved health status of the kindergarten children in comparison to the controls which can further up-regulate their growth and development. Main outcome measure: Providing nutrition education to students at a young age would be beneficial for improving their nutritional status for lifelong.