ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 2161-1025
Sadia Begum
Cancer has become a major public health problem worldwide. Researches focus on the modern approaches for cancer medications that involve the particular targets of the cancer disease. The premise of targeted therapy in oncology is the fundamental reliance of tumour cells on biological pathways to which drugs inhibiting those pathways can be applied. Tumour resistance to anticancer drugs is a well-known clinical phenomenon that is now yielding its secrets to investigation at the molecular level. Resistance of immunotherapeutic agents is a matter of concern that is believed to influence the effectiveness of anticancer therapies. The inherent or obtained drug resistance specifically impacts on the survival and the forecast of patients with cancer. This survey presents the application of molecule targeted therapy in cancer treatment. A specific focus is on the potential mechanism that can facilitate advance enhancement of anticancer.