ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 2329-9029
Tariq Pervaiz1,2, Abolfazl Lotfi1, Muhammad Salman Haider1, Jia Haifang1 and Jinggui Fang1*
High throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies were developed into indispensable for genomic investigation and recent hottest topic for research in the field of genomics, which can generate over 100 times more data in comparison with the most complicated capillary sequencers. Recent advances and developments in HTS using next generation sequencing techniques have become essential in the studies of digital gene expression profiling, in epigenomics, genomics, and transcriptomics. These methodologies are dexterous of sequencing multiple DNA molecules in corresponding; facilitate hundreds of millions of DNA molecules to be sequenced within a short period of time. Though, the expenses and time period have been significantly reduced; the inaccurate profiles and boundaries of the new policy differ considerably from those of earlier reported sequencing techniques. The technical developments and decreasing cost of NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) technology have made RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) as a worldwide popular technique for gene expression projects. Various approaches have been done for the standardization of RNA sequencing data, which have been materialized in the reports, contradictory, both in the type of bias modification and in the statistical approach. On the other hand, as data persistently build up, there has been no apparent consensus on the proper normalization techniques to be used or the impact of chosen methods on the downstream analysis. In the present article, we mentioned the key features of HT-NGS like, Key HTS platforms and different sequencing applications, ethical limitation and future prospective.