ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 2155-9570
Suleyman Ciftci
Aim: To unveil the success rate of Conjunctival-Limbal Autograft with Marginal Tenon’s layer Excision (CLAG-MTE) on pterygium recurrence rate.
Materials and methods: This study is an interventional non-randomized, non-equivalent control group design. Data of 40 patients in Conjunctival-Limbal Autograft (CLAG) group and 38 patients in CLAG-MTE group retrospectively reviewed. Patients of the both series were selected from whose surgeries were performed from February 2008 to January 2015. The recurrence rate of CLAG and CLAG-MTE was compared. And also, the limbal-conjunctival series of some studies which reported a high success rate on recurrence rate and Hirst's preliminary series were included in this comparison.
Results: The recurrence rate was 5.1% (4 eyes) in the CLAG group and 0% in the CLAG-MTE group. The mean follow-up period was 21.1 ± 5.6 months in the CLAG group and 22.6 ± 6.8 in the CLAG-MTE group. In Fisher's Exact Test, the difference in recurrence rate between the CLAG and the CLAG-MTE groups was not statistically significant.
When all the series were compared by One-way ANOVA in respect to recurrence rate, significant differences were found between a numbers of them. CLAG series, still, were found successful like CLAG-MTE series. However, when they were compared with Hirst’s and Al Fayez’s series, CLAG-MTE series were found to be more successful than CLAG series. Also, in the means of plot analysis, the CLAG-MTE series were showing the lowest plot while the CLAG and Guler’s series were showing the highest plot. The other series especially the Hirst’s ranked in between.
Conclusion: CLAG-MTE is the most effective in preventing recurrence among the techniques which were compared in this study. Moreover, it is relatively easy and less invasive in comparison to Hirst's technique.