ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 2168-9458
Veliota Drakopoulou
Never fall in love with a stock, because it will never love you back.” The objective of this technical paper is to present the leading fundamental analysis and stock valuation techniques used by daily equity traders in the selection of stocks in actively traded equity portfolios. Daily equities traders use mostly technical charts and other instruments to recognize patterns that can advocate perspective activity without measuring a stock’s intrinsic value to make trading decisions. Chart analysis is devised to detect trades with highly expected probability outcomes by setting exact price targets. The purpose of this technical paper is to advocate the importance of fundamental analysis in the investment decisions of daily traders. Fundamental analysis is based on the critical comparisons of a stock’s intrinsic value to the prevailing market price. If the stock’s intrinsic value exceeds the marker price, it makes sense for a fundamental investor/trader to buy the stock. This paper supports the idea that utilization of both investment techniques would lead into more successful investing decisions for equities traders.