ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 0976-4860
Rebecca Smith
For decades, the topic of image processing has been the focus of intense research and development efforts. Image/video processing, image/video analysis, image/video communications, image/video sensing, modeling and representation, computational imaging, electronic imaging, information forensics, and security, 3D imaging, medical imaging, and machine learning applied to these topics are all covered under this umbrella term. Following that, we'll look at image and video material (i.e. a sequence of images), as well as all types of visual information in general. Many outstanding and successful applications have resulted from rapid technical advancements, particularly in terms of processing power and network transmission bandwidth. Images are now pervasive in our daily lives. Digital TV (e.g., broadcast, cable, and satellite TV), Internet video streaming, digital cinema, and video games are examples of applications that have profited substantially. Imaging technologies are used in a wide range of applications, including digital photography, video conferencing, video monitoring and surveillance, and satellite imaging, as well as in more distant domains like healthcare and medicine, distance learning, digital archiving, cultural heritage, and the automotive industry.