ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 2572-4916
ரேச்சல் சாண்ட்னர்ஸ்
In terms of load transfer, stress absorption, and general proprioception, the meniscus fibrocartilage plays a critical role in knee joint biomechanics. By developing circumferential (hoop) strains, the menisci primarily transfer forces between the femoral and tibial joint surfaces. The viscoelastic nature of meniscal fibrocartilage is also important for compressive load dissipation: the energy is absorbed by the compression of meniscal collagen fibres and the ejection of joint fluid through the tissue's highly ordered structure. Severe meniscal injuries are common, and because suturing is often impossible, they are treated with partial or total meniscectomy.