Advances in Automobile Engineering

Advances in Automobile Engineering
திறந்த அணுகல்

ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 2167-7670


UTM క్రింద వివిధ మెటీరియల్స్ కోసం వైఫల్యం యొక్క వివిధ మోడ్‌ల కోసం ప్రయోగాలు

Anup R Rajput1, Sachin A Satpute, Nilesh D Sonune

The properties of the composite material such as high tensile strength, high strength to weight ratio, low thermal expansion is much superior on the pure material. Hence the composite materials are replacing pure material day by day. So that the development of the new composite material is growing up. The composite materials like HSS, EN31, OHNS has become more attractive due to their high specific strength, lightweight and biodegradability. Mixing of natural two or more materials finding increased applications. To characterize the mechanical behaviours of the material the tensile test is an important standard. The variation in geometry of the specimen has to be considered to properly describe the response of the material during the actual loading conditions. Along with the behaviour of the material in elastic limit, knowledge beyond elastic limit is also relevant since plastic effects with large deformation takes place in number of manufacturing processes. The present work describes the behaviour of mild steel, EN31 and OHNS specimens. So we have performed a research on properties of composite material. The object of this experiment is to measure the tensile properties of composite materials at a constant strain rate on the Universal Testing Machine. It helps us to know about the strength, flexibility and many more properties. Due to this test we will be able to study how the material will behave under load, how many strains will be producing when it is stressed, for which construction the same material will be useful, and many more. So, we perform tensile test on the composite material which effectively gives information about how many loads will be sustained by the same material, and how much strain will be produce. The properties of the composite material such as high tensile strength, high strength to weight ratio, low thermal expansion is much superior on the pure material. Hence the composite materials are replacing pure material day by day. So that the development of the new composite material is growing up. The composite materials like
HSS, EN31, OHNS has become more attractive due to their high specific strength, lightweight and biodegradability. Mixing of natural two or more materials finding increased applications. To characterize the mechanical behaviours of the material the tensile test is an important standard. The variation in geometry of the specimen has to be considered to properly describe the response of the material during the actual loading conditions. Along with the behaviour of the material in elastic limit, knowledge beyond elastic limit is also relevant since plastic effects with large deformation takes place in number of manufacturing processes. The present work describes the behaviour of mild steel, EN31 and OHNS specimens. So we have performed a research on properties of composite material. The object of this experiment is to measure the tensile properties of composite materials at a constant strain rate on the Universal Testing Machine. It helps us to know about the strength, flexibility and many more properties. Due to this test we will be able to study how the material will behave under load, how many strains will be producing when it is stressed, for which construction the same material will be useful, and many more. So, we perform tensile test on the composite material which effectively gives information about how many loads will be sustained by the same material, and how much strain will be produce.

மறுப்பு: இந்த சுருக்கமானது செயற்கை நுண்ணறிவு கருவிகளைப் பயன்படுத்தி மொழிபெயர்க்கப்பட்டது மற்றும் இன்னும் மதிப்பாய்வு செய்யப்படவில்லை அல்லது சரிபார்க்கப்படவில்லை.