ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 2376-0354
Hirut Samuel
A field experiment was conducted at Gircha fruit and vegetable research centre, in Chencha district in Belg and Kiremit seasons under rain fed condition and the area receives 1150 mm average annual rainfall and the soil is acidic with clay loamy texture. The experiment was conducted to evaluate hybrid cabbage varieties for yield and quality. Four hybrid head cabbage varieties Landini, Victoria 500 and widely cultivated Copehagen market arranged in complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Results show that a wide range of variation was observed among cabbage genotypes for yield and quality parameters. Landini variety had the highest head weight (2.86 kg, 2.9 kg), marketable yield (51 t/ha, 52.08 t/ha) and head diameter (24.36 cm, 26.91 cm) followed by victoria variety in Belg and Kiremit seasons, respectively. On the other hand, in both seasons, victoria variety had the highest total soluble solid. Whereas, 500 variety exhibited the lowest yield and quality traits, except for head firmness. Therefore based on the results, Landini variety exhibit good yield attributes and can be recommended for Chencha and other similar agro-ecologies. However, further study needed over location, by adding more varieties and other management practices to come up with wider recommendations.