ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 0976-4860
Sara Salari*, Mossalreza Zanganeh, Abollfazl Fadavi and Zeid Ahmadi
Many problems originated from consuming the high fat products, so reducing the fat in foods is very attractive field. In this study, the effect of xanthan gum at levels 0.05%, 0.17%, 0.3% and carboxymethyl cellulose at 0.02%, 0.11%, 0.2% on physical properties of cream cheese was studied. Results showed that samples contain xanthan and CMC had significant differences (p<0.05) in terms of textural properties in comparison to control. We found that increase the level of gum in samples were decreased the adhesiveness (due to decrease of fat), as control sample had the highest adhesiveness (0) and treatment No. 5 had the lowest (-1.672). Elasticity of low fat cheese were lower than high fat, as the lowest elasticity recorded for sample No. 4 and the highest for No. 1. Treatment No. 2 (xanthan 0.05 + CMC 0.2%,) had the highest hardness (0.527) (due to the lowest level of gum and the highest level of fat) and control (sample No. 6) had the lowest hardness (0). The highest and lowest solidarity values recorded for sample 3 and control respectively. Gumminess have increased with increase the fat content as the highest values observed for sample No. 4 (0.25) and the lowest for control (0). Also the highest chewiness recorded in sample 1 which the lowest level of gums used (xanthan 0.05 + CMC 0.02%) and the lowest in sample 2 which had the lowest level of xanthan (0.05%) and the highest level of CMC (0.2%).