ஐ.எஸ்.எஸ்.என்: 1920-4159
சஞ்சனா வி1*, மஞ்சுளா தீபக்2, அருள் அமுதா எலிசபெத்3
This a case report of a patient with cervical funneling post cervical cerclage, describing the management and outcome. The patient had previous history of mid-term abortion due to cervical incompetence. During the present pregnancy, cervical cerclage was done prophylactically at 13th week. During the anomal scan (20th week), patient was diagnosed with funneling of the membrane until the level of the cervical stitch which was identified by a transvaginal sonography. The patient was treated with high dose progesterone (injectable progesterone and intra vaginal progesterone), patient advised complete bed rest with leg elevation. Patient successfully carried till term and delivered a healthy male baby weighing 3.52 kg.